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Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg

Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
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Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) - 100mg
79 €
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Brand: Nordic Peptides
  • Model: GHK-Cu (Glycyl-L-Histidyl-L-Lysine-Copper)
Manufactured in Norway
Manufactured in Norway
Top Quality = Nordic Peptides

Skin Glow GHK-Cu is a skincare peptide aimed at rejuvenation and radiance, enhancing skin's natural beauty with anti-aging and skin regeneration properties. It stimulates collagen and elastin production, improving skin elasticity, accelerating wound healing, and offering anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

Peptide Profile

  • Peptide Name: Skin Glow GHK-Cu (Glycyl-L-Histidyl-L-Lysine-Copper)
  • Main Function: Anti-aging and skin rejuvenation.
  • Mechanism of Action: Stimulates collagen and elastin production, enhances skin repair and regeneration.
  • Key Features & Benefits:
    - Skin Elasticity: Tightens the skin and reduces fine lines.
    - Wound Healing: Accelerates recovery from skin injuries.
    - Anti-inflammatory: Reduces skin inflammation.
    - Antioxidant Properties: Protects skin from oxidative stress.
    - Boosts Skin Health: Improves overall skin appearance and texture.
  • Use Case: Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) is widely used in the skincare industry for its anti-aging properties, post-injury skin recovery, enhanced elasticity, inflammation reduction, improved barrier function, potential stimulation of hair growth and overall skin improvement.
  • Effects on:
    - Blood Sugar: No direct effect.
    - Appetite: No direct effect.
    - Muscle Growth: No direct effect.
    - Endurance: No direct effect.
    - Weight Loss: No direct effect.
    - Injury Repair & Healing: Promotes faster skin healing.
    - Joints: No direct effect.
    - Anti-Aging: Significantly reduces signs of aging.
    - Libido: No direct effect.
    - Sleep: No direct effect.
    - Mood: No direct effect.
  • Recommended Dosage: 7 units per day for 15 days, once a month.

Proper Intake and Dosage

  • Recommended Dosage: 7 units per day, tailored to individual needs and goals.
  • Administration Method: Administer via subcutaneous injection into the fat layer beneath the skin. The injections can be made either in the morning or evening as part of a skincare routine.
  • Cycle Duration: A cycle lasts for 15 days, followed by a mandatory 15-day break. The cycle can be repeated once a month.
  • Injection Sites: Preferably inject into the abdominal area. It's crucial to rotate the injection site to minimize tissue damage.

Preparation and Injection Techniques:

  • Pen Adjustment: Set the pen's programmer to 7 (1 unit = 333mcg; 7 units = 2.33mg).
  • Post-Injection: After injecting the product, wait for 10 seconds before removing the needle to ensure proper absorption.
  • Hygiene: Ensure proper hygiene practices are followed to minimize the risk of infection.

Pen and Dosage Information:

  • Pen Content: Each pen contains 300 units, with each unit being 333 micrograms (mcg).
  • Dosage Conversion:
    • 1 unit = 333mcg
    • 7 units = 2.33mg (typical daily dosage)
    • 10 units = 3.33mg
  • Supply Duration: A single Skin Glow pen (100mg) is estimated to last approximately 2-3 months, depending on the exact daily dosage.


  • The specific dosage of Skin Glow (2.33mg per day) is based on achieving the optimal balance between efficacy and safety.
  • The instructions and guidelines provided are designed to maximize the benefits of Skin Glow while minimizing potential risks and side effects.

What is Skin Glow (GHK-Cu)?

Skin Glow is a product containing the peptide GHK-Cu, known in the cosmetic industry for its anti-aging properties. GHK-Cu is a bioactive peptide and a form of tripeptide complex, consisting of glycine-histidine-lysine combined with copper (Cu), hence its other popular name, "copper peptide," due to the presence of copper in its composition.

GHK-Cu has a proven positive effect on the skin, stimulating collagen and elastin production, which makes the skin stronger and more elastic. This peptide also enhances cellular regeneration and stimulates blood microcirculation in the skin, aiding in faster healing of various injuries.

Skin Glow is the most effective method for improving skin health and beauty, thanks to the GHK-Cu peptide in its composition. It helps reduce visible signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles, increases skin elasticity and hydration, and contributes to a younger, radiant, and healthy appearance.

The carefully formulated composition of Skin Glow with GHK-Cu is developed to ensure maximum results and optimal effectiveness in improving skin health, nourishment, and radiance. Skin Glow with GHK-Cu is a perfect choice for enhancing skin health and appearance with its action against aging signs, skin brightening, and improved elasticity.

What are the benefits of Skin Glow (GHK-Cu)?

Skin Glow with GHK-Cu offers numerous beneficial properties for the skin. GHK-Cu is composed of glycine, L-histidine, and copper, which positively increase the skin's elasticity and health. Some of the key benefits of using Skin Glow with GHK-Cu include:

  • Smoothing wrinkles and fine lines by stimulating collagen production.
  • Strengthening the collagen network and stimulating collagen production, vital for healthy skin.
  • Reducing spots and imperfections on the skin.
  • Improving and increasing skin elasticity, maintaining its youthful appearance.
  • Moisturizing the skin, making it more hydrated and smooth.
  • Beneficially affecting the skin by calming and reducing redness.
  • Evening out the skin tone, reducing dark spots, acne scars, and pigmentation.
  • Encouraging rapid cell growth, thus accelerating the healing of wounds and injuries.
  • Protecting the skin from oxidative stress, thus preventing cell damage and premature aging.
  • Enhancing skin quality by nourishing and hydrating, giving a fresh, youthful, and healthy appearance.
  • Being a unique product with multiple beneficial effects on the skin. Its properties for stimulating collagen production, antioxidant properties, moisturizing action, and skin healing make it a sought-after and widely used product by thousands seeking better, healthier, and more beautiful skin.

Clinical Trials and Their Results

GHK-Cu, short for glycyl-histidyl-lysine-copper (Copper peptide GHK-Cu), is a small tripeptide complex consisting of the amino acids glycine, lysine, and histidine, bound to a copper ion. This complex is an active ingredient in cosmetic products developed for skin health. Its beneficial action and properties make it a widely used product in some medical applications as well.

In a clinical trial published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, the results show GHK-Cu's positive impact on skin texture, reducing aging signs, and improving the overall appearance of the skin.

Results from another study published in the Journal of Inflammation Research discuss the anti-inflammatory properties and beneficial effect in treating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis of GHK-Cu.

Another study observed a positive effect of GHK-Cu on increasing levels of natural growth hormone in the body, muscle mass, and fat. The results of this clinical trial are published in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation.

In other clinical studies, the results among participants prove the antioxidant properties of GHK-Cu, as well as the positive effect of its use by people with problematic skin.

Possible Side Effects

Skin Glow, a cosmetic product containing the peptide GHK-Cu, is widely used and known for its properties in stimulating cellular development and recovery in the skin. Like any product, its use may result in some side effects.

The most common side effects of using Skin Glow with GHK-Cu are mild skin redness or discomfort, typically observed in more sensitive skin types. These symptoms are not dangerous and are usually short-lived.

In very rare cases, an allergic reaction to GHK-Cu may occur, manifesting as a severely irritating rash. If such symptoms appear, consulting a specialist is mandatory.

Side effects from using Skin Glow with GHK-Cu are extremely rare. This product is beneficial for the skin and its overall appearance. Taking care of your skin is one of the most important conditions for a fulfilling life, so consulting with a dermatologist or skin specialist is recommended.


Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) is a skincare product, combining advanced science with natural healing elements. It effectively tackles various skin issues, from aging signs like wrinkles to improving overall skin health. Its efficacy is backed by clinical studies, ensuring it's a reliable choice for those seeking youthful, radiant skin. 

Why Choose Nordic Peptides?

If you are looking for the highest quality Skin Glow (GHK-Cu) with over 99% purity, is one of the best places in Europe where you can order it online. Nordic Peptides is a brand specialized in the synthesis of highly purified peptides.

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