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BPC-157 - 5mg

BPC-157 - 5mg
74 €
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Brand: Nordic Peptides
  • Model: Body Protection Compound-157
Manufactured in Norway
Manufactured in Norway
Top Quality = Nordic Peptides

BBPC-157 is a peptide that can help the body heal faster. It's getting popular with athletes and people who work out because it helps heal injuries, makes joints stronger, and helps muscles grow. It works by helping create new blood vessels, which helps damaged areas heal quicker.

Peptide Profile

  • Peptide Name: BPC-157
  • Main Function: Promotes tissue healing and repair.
  • Mechanism of Action: Stimulates angiogenesis, the process of forming new blood vessels, enhancing tissue repair.
  • Key Features & Benefits:
    - Accelerated injury recovery.
    - Improved joint health.
    - Enhanced muscle growth and strength.
    - Accelerates the healing of wounds, tendons, and ligaments.
    - Promotes gut health and healing of ulcers.
    - Potentially improves blood vessel growth.
  • Use Case: Widely used by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals seeking faster recovery from injuries and joint pain.
  • Effects on:
    Blood Sugar: No impact.
    - Appetite: No significant impact.
    - Muscle Growth: Promotes growth and repair.
    - Endurance: Potential improvement due to better muscle and tissue health.
    - Weight Loss: Indirect effects through improved muscle mass.
    - Injury Repair & Healing: Accelerates healing processes.
    - Joints: Promotes joint health and mobility.
    - Anti-Aging: Contributes to cellular repair and regeneration.
    - Libido: No direct effects noted.
    - Sleep: Can improve sleep quality indirectly through pain alleviation.
    - Mood: Potential improvements due to overall health benefits.
  • Recommended Dosage: Varies based on individual needs and goals, but a common range is 250-500 mcg per day.

Correct administration and dosage

1 unit of the pen equals 25 micrograms (mcg)

The correct administration and dosage of BPC-157 depend on the specific needs and goals of the patient.

Typically, BPC-157 is administered from 250 mcg to 500 mcg per day (from 10 to 20 units), considering that one unit corresponds to 25 mcg. The duration of the cycle lasts from 1 to 3 months.

It is important to note that the dosage of BPC-157 may vary depending on the user's age, gender, weight, and overall health condition.

A typical cycle may look like this:

WeekDosage (mcg)Split dose
1-3250 mcgNo
4-8500 mcg (250 in the morning + 250 in the evening)Yes

  • BPC-157 is typically administered via subcutaneous injection.
  • Women may start with a lower dose.

Additional usage instructions: Adjust the pen programmator by rotating it. (1 unit equals 1 of the divisions on the programmator) and inject into the abdominal area. After injecting the product, wait 10 seconds before removing the needle. Rotating the injection site is recommended.

One pen contains 200 units of 25 micrograms each.

One BPC-157 pen (5 mg) will be sufficient for 12-13 days, depending on the daily dosage.

Example calculated units of a BPC-157 pen (5 mg) corresponding to micrograms:

1 unit = 25 mcg; 5 units = 125 mcg; 10 units = 250 mcg; 16 units = 400 mcg; 20 units = 500 mcg.

What is BPC-157?

BPC-157, short for "Body Protection Compound-157," is a peptide compound garnering interest and attention in the fields of medical research and sports science. This peptide fragment, composed of seventeen amino acids, is noted for its potential properties in stimulating tissue regeneration and healing.

This peptide is characterized by its ability to influence various cellular processes and mechanisms in the body. A significant feature of BPC-157 is its association with angiogenesis - the process of forming new blood vessels, crucial for aiding tissue regeneration and rapid recovery after injuries.

BPC-157 is being studied in various medical scenarios, including joint, muscle, and tendon injuries, as well as chronic inflammatory diseases. Preliminary studies highlight its potential to facilitate and accelerate tissue recovery and repair processes.

What are the benefits?

This peptide is linked to several promising properties that could be beneficial in medical practice and sports science. Here are some of them:

  • Healing of injuries: BPC-157 is being researched for its potential to speed up regeneration and wound healing processes. This aspect could aid recovery from tissue injuries, including those to joints, muscles, and tendons.
  • Improvement in chronic diseases: Studies suggest that BPC-157 may have potential in reducing inflammatory reactions and symptoms associated with chronic diseases, potentially easing pain and enhancing patients' quality of life.
  • Gastrointestinal health support: BPC-157 is known for its potential positive impact on gastrointestinal mucosa health, possibly protecting against stomach damage and irritation.
  • Stimulation of blood vessel growth: BPC-157 aids angiogenesis, i.e., the formation of new blood vessels, vital for improving circulation and nutrient and oxygen delivery to tissues.
  • Enhancement in surgical procedures: Research suggests that BPC-157 may aid in rapid recovery following surgical procedures, potentially enhancing wound and injury healing post-surgery.
  • Organ and tissue protection: BPC-157 is associated with protecting various organs and tissues, including the liver and heart, from damage and inflammation, contributing to the optimal functioning of crucial organs.
  • Joint health improvement: BPC-157 helps improve joint health by stimulating healing processes in tendons and cartilage tissues.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: This peptide may exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce the body's inflammatory response.
  • Accelerated recovery after workouts: For athletes, BPC-157 has benefits related to speeding up recovery after intensive workouts, contributing to faster fitness goal achievement.
  • Bone health support: BPC-157 influences bone healing and stimulates new bone tissue growth.

Clinical trials and their results

Initial clinical trials focus on BPC-157's potential for healing injuries and improving tissue regeneration. These studies observe accelerated healing of wounds and injuries to muscles, joints, and tendons. This peptide shows its ability to stimulate cellular processes related to new tissue growth and blood vessel formation, aiding faster recovery from injuries.

Further clinical trials aim to understand BPC-157's potential benefits for people with chronic diseases and inflammations. Results show the peptide's potential in reducing inflammatory processes in the body and alleviating associated pain. This aspect could significantly impact patients with diseases like arthritis, inflammatory liver diseases, and similar conditions.

In sports science, research results are directed towards evaluating the possibilities for improving physical endurance and recovery speed after intensive workouts. Some studies report faster muscle and joint recovery after workouts with the application of BPC-157.

Application in sports

Here are some benefits BPC-157 peptide can offer to athletes:

  • Accelerated recovery after physical exertion: BPC-157 is considered capable of stimulating the processes of healing and tissue regeneration.
  • Improved tissue repair: Peptide BPC-157 can facilitate and stimulate tissue repair, which is essential for rapid recovery.
  • Support for tendon health: BPC-157 has the potential to stimulate tendon healing and protect them from frequent injuries.
  • Enhancement of physical endurance: This peptide may help increase blood supply to the muscles and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, which can improve the physical endurance of athletes.
  • Potential for improving joint quality: For athletes subjected to intense stress on joints and muscles, BPC-157 may offer protection and improvement in joint health.

Possible side effects

Although BPC-157 is studied as a potentially beneficial compound, it should be noted that even in cases where side effects are observed, they are usually minimal and temporary. This peptide compound is considered relatively safe, but it is still important to consider possible side effects:

  • Mild gastrointestinal symptoms: Some people may experience mild discomfort symptoms such as nausea or mild stomach aches.
  • Mild pain or redness at the injection site: When injecting BPC-157, mild pain or redness around the injection site may occur.

By adhering to the correct dosage and avoiding intake for an extended period, BPC-157 is safe for use.


BPC-157 is a peptide that helps heal injuries faster and can improve overall health and physical performance. It's mostly safe, with few side effects, and is useful for anyone looking to recover quickly from injuries or boost their fitness results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is BPC-157?
    - BPC-157 is a synthetic peptide with 17 amino acids, known for its healing properties and ability to stimulate tissue repair.
  2. What are the key benefits?
    - Key benefits include accelerated injury recovery, improved joint health, and enhanced muscle growth.
  3. Who can use it?
    - It's commonly used by athletes and individuals seeking faster recovery from injuries.
  4. Recommended dosage?
    - The typical dosage ranges from 250-500 mcg per day, adjusted based on individual needs.
  5. How is it administered?
    - BPC-157 is usually given via subcutaneous injection.
  6. Are there any side effects?
    - Side effects are minimal, possibly including mild gastrointestinal symptoms or slight discomfort at the injection site.
  7.  Is BPC-157 legal?
    - Yes, but the legal status of BPC-157 may vary by country. Therefore, it is advisable to verify the specific regulations and conditions in your region.

Why choose Nordic Peptides?

Looking for top-notch BPC-157 peptide? Head to! They're one of Europe's best for ordering online, offering over 99% pure BPC-157. Nordic Peptides focuses on making super pure peptides.

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