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Thymalin - 20mg

Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
Thymalin - 20mg
83 €
Manufactured in Norway
Manufactured in Norway
Top Quality = Nordic Peptides

Thymalin is a popular bioactive peptide known for its wide-ranging benefits in boosting health and wellness.

Peptide Profile

  • Peptide Name: Thymalin
  • Main Function: Bolsters immune system function
  • Mechanism of Action: Stimulates T-cell production, essential for a robust immune response.
  • Key Features & Benefits:
    - Enhances immune system efficacy.
    - Exhibits anti-inflammatory properties.
    - Facilitates metabolic efficiency.
    - Improves cognitive functions, including memory and concentration.
    - Promotes quality sleep and stress reduction.
  • Use Case: Effective in treating autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, and infections.
  • Effects on:
    - Blood Sugar: No direct impact.
    - Appetite: Can influence appetite regulation.
    - Muscle Growth & Endurance: Aids in muscle recovery and growth.
    - Weight Loss: Potential effects due to metabolic regulation.
    - Injury Repair & Healing: Accelerates recovery processes.
    - Joints: May contribute to joint health.
    - Anti-Aging: Possesses properties that combat signs of aging.
    - Libido: Effects on libido are still under research.
    - Sleep: Improves sleep quality.
    - Mood: Can positively impact mood and cognitive function.
  • Recommended Dosage: Typically 1-2 mg daily.

Correct Intake and Dosage

1 unit of the pen equals 100 micrograms (mcg)

The usual intake ranges from 1mg to 2mg daily (10 to 20 units), considering that one unit corresponds to 100 micrograms. The cycle duration with this peptide lasts for 10 days, after which a 10-day break is required before the dosage can be resumed.

Additional usage instructions: Adjust the pen's dosing dial by rotating it. (1 unit corresponds to one division on the dial) and inject into the abdominal area. After injecting, wait 10 seconds before removing the needle. Rotating the injection site is recommended.

One pen contains 200 units of 100 micrograms each.

One Thymalin pen will be sufficient for 10 days.

Sample calculated units of a Thymalin pen (20mg) corresponding to micrograms:

  • 1 unit = 100 mcg;
  • 5 units = 500 mcg;
  • 10 units = 1 mg;
  • 20 units = 2 mg.

What is Thymalin?

Thymalin is a hormone comprised of 28 amino acids and is crucial for the immune system, being produced by the thymus gland. Thymalin itself is a synthetically produced peptide drug that mimics the action of thymosin.

The bioactive peptide Thymalin aids immune system functions by stimulating the production and growth of T-cells. It helps normalize the immune system in various diseases and infections.

This peptide is used in medicine for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, infections, chronic fatigue, and others.

What are the benefits of Thymalin?

The benefits of the peptide drug Thymalin, which stimulates the human immune system, include:

  • Enhancing immune system function through the production of T-cells and other essential immune cells.
  • Exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties, reducing the risk of various diseases.
  • Improving metabolism by regulating hormone levels and increasing body energy.
  • Enhancing memory and concentration, and positively affecting cognitive functions.
  • Improving sleep quality and reducing stress.
  • Normalizing stress-related hormone levels and reducing fatigue.
  • Potentially improving skin health by stimulating collagen production, which can prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging.
  • Stimulating bone mass production, leading to stronger bones and reduced risk of fractures.
  • Improving heart function and regulating blood pressure.
  • Assisting in muscle healing by stimulating growth and recovery after physical exertion.

Clinical Trials and Their Results

Recent years have seen clinical trials proving the effectiveness and safety of the peptide hormone Thymalin.

In one clinical trial, Thymalin was shown to reduce inflammation in chronic bronchitis. Another trial demonstrated improved immune function in patients with Type 2 diabetes, noting a significant reduction in cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Another trial indicated improved quality of life in patients suffering from Hugh Syndrome, with noticeable reductions in symptoms and an increase in muscle mass. Across all clinical trials, improvements in cognitive functions and skin health were observed in participants.

The conclusive results from these clinical trials with Thymalin show a positive effect on participants' bodies - improved metabolism, proper functioning of the immune and cognitive systems, enhanced skin quality, and overall improved quality of life for patients.

Possible Side Effects

As with any medicinal product, the use of Thymalin may also lead to side effects, which have been observed only when the recommended intake is not followed. The observed side effects include headache, nausea, loss of appetite, and nervousness. In the event of any of these symptoms, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.


Thymalin stands out as a versatile peptide, offering a spectrum of health benefits. From bolstering the immune system to enhancing metabolic functions and cognitive abilities, its potential is vast.

Why to choose Nordic Peptides?

If you're looking to buy extremely pure Thymalin peptide, is an excellent source in Europe. Nordic Peptides is a company focused on producing very pure peptides. We can guarantee that all our peptides are top-notch and among the best available on the market.

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