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Melanotan 2 - 10mg

Melanotan 2 - 10mg
Melanotan 2 - 10mg
Melanotan 2 - 10mg
Melanotan 2 - 10mg
Melanotan 2 - 10mg
Melanotan 2 - 10mg
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Melanotan 2 - 10mg
Melanotan 2 - 10mg
Melanotan 2 - 10mg
Melanotan 2 - 10mg
Melanotan 2 - 10mg
Melanotan 2 - 10mg
Melanotan 2 - 10mg
69 €
Manufactured in Norway
Manufactured in Norway
Top Quality = Nordic Peptides

Melanotan II is a peptide designed to mimic the effects of a natural hormone, melanocortin, which influences skin pigmentation, sexual arousal, and appetite. Its primary use is to promote skin tanning by increasing melanin production.

Peptide Profile

  • Peptide Name: Melanotan II
  • Main Function: Known for stimulating melanogenesis, leading to increased skin pigmentation or tanning.
  • Mechanism of Action: Mimicking the action of melanocortin peptides, which are involved in various bodily functions including skin pigmentation, sexual arousal, and energy homeostasis.
  • Key Features & Benefits:
    - Enhanced skin tanning
    - Possible aphrodisiac effects
    - Potential influence on body composition
  • Use Case: Predominantly used for skin tanning and may have applications in treating erectile dysfunction and other conditions.
  • Appetite: May cause appetite suppression.
  • Muscle Growth: Not directly linked to muscle growth.
  • Endurance: No significant impact on endurance.
  • Weight Loss: Some anecdotal reports suggest it may assist in weight loss.
  • Joints: No established effects on joint health.
  • Anti-Aging: No substantial evidence to support anti-aging claims.
  • Libido: Known to enhance sexual desire.
  • Sleep and Mood: Possible mood elevation, sleep impact not clear.

Proper administration and dosage

1 unit of the pen equals 50 micrograms (mcg).

Melanotan II is administered via subcutaneous injections.

The correct intake and dosage of Melanotan II depend on the specific needs and goals of the patient, typically ranging from 250 mcg to 500 mcg per administration (taken three times a week).

The proper dosage of Melanotan II is 5 to 10 units, administered three times a week.

Additional usage instructions: Adjust the pen's dosing dial by rotating it. (1 unit corresponds to one division on the dial) and inject into the abdominal area. After injecting, wait 10 seconds before removing the needle. Rotating the injection site is recommended.

One pen contains 200 units of 50 micrograms each.

One Melanotan pen (10 mg) will last approximately 2-3 months, depending on the daily dosage.

Examples of Melanotan II pen (10 mg) units converted to micrograms:

  • 1 unit = 50 mcg; 
  • 4 units = 200 mcg; 
  • 5 units = 250 mcg; 
  • 6 units = 300 mcg; 
  • 8 units = 400 mcg; 
  • 10 units = 500 mcg.

Example Melanotan II cycle for tanning:

  • First week - Three times a week, 8 units each.
  • Second week - Three times a week, 8 units each.
  • Third week - Twice a week, 8 units each.
  • Fourth week - Once a week, 8 units.
  • Fifth and sixth weeks, etc. - Depending on the degree of tanning.

What is Melanotan II?

Melanotan II is a synthetic peptide, similar to the natural melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), used to promote skin darkening, regulate pigmentation, and may also be used to treat certain types of sexual dysfunctions.

This peptide is administered subcutaneously and, upon activation, alters the production of melanin in the skin. Melanotan II is used as a tanning agent because it causes the skin to darken more quickly and easily upon sun exposure.

Melanotan II stimulates melanin receptors in the brain, which helps increase libido and improve sexual function, making it an effective treatment for sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, and decreased libido.

What are the benefits? 

Melanotan II peptide has proven positive effects on human health. In addition to its properties that facilitate easier skin darkening, its use also shows positive results in treating some types of sexual dysfunctions. Benefits of using Melanotan II include:

  • Melanotan II stimulates the production of melanin in the skin, aiding in easier tanning and protection against sun exposure.
  • It enhances sexual functions by increasing libido and improving erectile function.
  • The peptide protects the skin from sunburn and harmful UV rays, as darker skin is less vulnerable.
  • It improves mood and well-being by increasing endorphins in the body.
  • The primary benefit of using Melanotan II is stimulating melanin production in the skin, leading to faster and easier darkening, thereby preventing damage and aging due to ultraviolet rays.

Clinical trials and their results

Melanotan II has undergone multiple clinical trials, proving its effectiveness as a tanning agent and in the positive treatment of sexual dysfunction.

In one study conducted in Australia, it was shown that 95% of participants using Melanotan II for 6 weeks achieved longer-lasting skin darkening after sun exposure.

In another clinical trial involving both men and women suffering from sexual dysfunctions, results indicated that Melanotan II positively affects addressing these problems in both genders.

Possible side effects

Melanotan II, a hormonal peptide injected subcutaneously, may lead to some side effects like any medicinal product. Common side effects include headache, nausea, elevated blood pressure, or mild muscle pain.

It's important to note that these discomforts are rare and may occur if the recommended dosages are not followed or if the peptide is misused. To avoid the side effects of Melanotan II, adherence to the recommended dosage is crucial.


Melanotan II is primarily used for its skin tanning capabilities, with additional benefits potentially including sexual health improvement and appetite suppression.

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1.  What is Melanotan II?
    - Melanotan II is a synthetic peptide used for skin tanning.
  2.  How is Melanotan II administered?
    - Melanotan II is administered via subcutaneous injections.
  3.  What are the potential side effects?
    - Side effects can include appetite changes, nausea, and flushes.
  4.  Is Melanotan II legal?
    - Yes, but the legal status of Melanotan II may vary by country. Therefore, it is advisable to verify the specific regulations and conditions in your region.

Why to choose Nordic Peptides?

If you need top-quality Melanotan II peptide that's more than 99% pure, then is your go-to choice. 

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