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ACE-083 - 10mg

ACE-083 - 10mg
ACE-083 - 10mg
ACE-083 - 10mg
ACE-083 - 10mg
ACE-083 - 10mg
ACE-083 - 10mg
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ACE-083 - 10mg
ACE-083 - 10mg
ACE-083 - 10mg
ACE-083 - 10mg
ACE-083 - 10mg
ACE-083 - 10mg
ACE-083 - 10mg
98 €
110 €
Manufactured in Norway
Manufactured in Norway
Top Quality = Nordic Peptides

ACE-083 is a uniquely engineered peptide designed to selectively enhance muscle and strength. It operates by targeting specific muscles to increase their mass and strength, offering potential benefits in treating conditions like muscle wasting.

Peptide Profile

  • Peptide Name: ACE-083.
  • Main Function: Enhances muscle growth and strength in targeted muscles.
  • Mechanism of Action: ACE-083 works by modulating muscle regulators, leading to localized muscle hypertrophy.
  • Key Features & Benefits:
    - Targeted action on specific muscle groups.
    - Potentially increases muscle mass and strength.
    - May benefit those with muscle wasting conditions.
  • Use Case: Primarily used by those seeking muscle growth, injury recovery, and strength enhancement. Also used in muscle wasting and weakness.
  • Effects:
    - Blood Sugar: No significant impact.
    - Appetite: No effect.
    - Muscle Growth: Enhanced in targeted areas.
    - Endurance: Possible improvements due to stronger muscles.
    - Weight Loss: Indirect effects through muscle growth.
    - Injury Repair & Healing: Accelerates muscle repair.
    - Joints: No direct effect, but stronger muscles can support joint health.
    - Anti-Aging: Potential benefits through muscle maintenance.
    - Libido: No direct effects.
    - Sleep: No impact.
    - Mood: May improve due to physical health benefits.
  • Recommended Dosage: Specific to individual needs and under professional guidance.

Correct Administration and Dosage

1 unit of the pen equals 50 micrograms (mcg)

Typically administered through intramuscular injections or subcutaneous injections. 

ACE-083 is a medicinal drug predominantly used for the treatment of muscle atrophy. The dosage of this peptide may vary depending on the individual needs of the patient. The duration of treatment can also vary depending on how quickly improvements in the muscle function of the user are observed.

The correct intake and dosage of ACE-083 depend on specific needs and goals and are typically administered at 350 mcg (three times a week).

The proper dosage of ACE-083 is 7 units, administered three times a week.

Additional usage instructions: Adjust the pen programmator by rotating it to 7 (1 unit equals one of the divisions on the programmator) and inject intramuscularly into the areas you wish to develop. After injecting the product, wait 10 seconds before removing the needle. It is recommended to rotate the injection site.

Duration of the cycle: 40 days.

One pen contains 200 units, with each unit containing 50 micrograms.

One ACE-083 pen (10mg) will last about 8 weeks, depending on the daily dosage.

Examples of calculated units of ACE-083 (10mg) in micrograms:

1 unit = 50 mcg; 5 units = 250 mcg; 7 units = 350 mcg; 10 units = 500 mcg.

What is ACE-083?

ACE-083 is an experimental drug developed by Acceleron Pharma for the treatment of muscular and neurological diseases.

ACE-083 is a modified recombinant protein with enhanced activity in muscle tissues. It acts as an inhibitor of the myostatin protein, which regulates muscle growth and development. ACE-083 improves function in diseases such as muscular dystrophy and supports muscle growth.

The ACE-083 peptide activates growth factors, specifically insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), for muscle cells responsible for the development and growth of muscle tissues. Its use leads to a faster increase in muscle mass and improvement in functional abilities.

What are the Benefits?

ACE-083 is a peptide that stimulates hypertrophy and strength in specific muscle groups and offers multiple benefits, including:

  • ACE-083 enhances muscle mass by acting as a myostatin protein inhibitor, which controls muscle growth and development.
  • It improves functional abilities in people with muscular and neurological diseases.
  • ACE-083 helps improve the quality of life by enhancing muscle function.
  • It reduces muscle weakness, a symptom in muscular and neurological diseases.
  • ACE-083 decreases inflammation in muscles, protecting them from weakness and atrophy.
  • It prevents muscle injuries due to physical activity, as well as in the presence of neurological and muscular diseases.
  • The ACE-083 peptide improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery to the muscles, leading to better endurance and muscle energy.
  • It positively affects muscle coordination in muscular and neurological diseases.
  • ACE-083 aids in muscle recovery after trauma, improving muscle regeneration.

Clinical Trials and Results

ACE-083, a drug used for treating certain muscle diseases, has undergone numerous clinical trials proving its beneficial effects.

In 2019, results from Phase 2 Clinical Trials of the ACE-083 peptide were published, investigating its effect on the rare genetic disease Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), affecting the nervous system and muscles. The study involved 70 people diagnosed with this disease. Results show a significant improvement in muscle mass and functional abilities of participants after the application of ACE-083.

In the following year, 2020, Acceleron Pharma announced results related to patients with focal muscle atrophy. During the clinical trial, the effectiveness of ACE-083 in two phases related to this disease was monitored. The results prove that the peptide improves muscle mass and function in participants suffering from muscle atrophy and weakness in specific body parts.

No serious adverse reactions were observed in the clinical trials, giving confidence to doctors and scientific teams about the beneficial action and safety of taking ACE-083.

Possible Side Effects 

ACE-083 is an innovative drug used for treating various muscle disorders. It stimulates muscle growth by enhancing the effectiveness of local growth genetic factors.

Like any medication or supplement, taking ACE-083 may cause some side effects. These include headaches, mild pain or redness around the injection site, and fatigue. These side effects are not dangerous and usually disappear within a few days, as signs of the body's adaptation.

ACE-083 is safe to use when adhering to the recommended dosage.

Application of ACE-083 in Sports:

Many professional athletes use ACE-083 as an aid for their professional achievements. Although the peptide is prohibited in professional sports, athletes benefit from its powerful effect on muscle mass.


ACE-083 is a promising peptide for targeted muscle growth and strength enhancement. 

Key Takeaways

  • ACE-083 enhances muscle strength and growth.
  • It works by targeting specific muscle-related proteins.
  • Administration is typically through intramuscular injections or subcutaneous injections. 
  • It has multiple health benefits with minimal side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1.  Are there any side effects?
    - Some users may experience mild side effects, which should be monitored by a professional.
  2.  How quickly can results be seen?
    - Results vary, but improvements can often be noticed within several weeks.
  3.  Can ACE-083 be used for general bodybuilding?
    - It's mainly for medical treatments, but a lot of people in the bodybuilding circles are using it also. 

Why Choose Pen Peptide?

If you're looking for the highest quality ACE-083 peptide with over 99% purity, is one of the best places in Europe to order it online. Nordic Peptides is a brand specializing in the synthesis of highly purified peptides. 

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