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Follistatin 344 - 2mg

Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
Follistatin 344 - 2mg
103 €
Manufactured in Norway
Manufactured in Norway
Top Quality = Nordic Peptides

Follistatin 344 is a peptide gaining attention for its potential to help people achieve better health and fitness results. It stands out in the scientific community for its unique ability to influence muscle growth, fertility, and more.

Peptide Profile

  • Peptide Name: Follistatin 344
  • Main Function: Inhibits myostatin, promoting muscle growth.
  • Mechanism of Action: Binds and neutralizes myostatin and other growth inhibitors.
  • Key Features & Benefits:
    - Promotes muscle growth and strength.
    - Enhances injury repair and healing.
    - May influence weight loss and endurance.   
    - Potential anti-aging effects.
    - May improve joint health and endurance
  • Use Case: In bodybuilding, sports medicine, injury recovery and potentially in treating muscle degenerative diseases.
  • Effects On:
    - Blood Sugar: No impact known.
    - Appetite: Not directly affected.
    - Muscle Growth: Promotes significant muscle growth.
    - Endurance: Potential improvement.
    - Weight Loss: Indirectly, through increased muscle mass.
    - Injury Repair & Healing: Enhancing tissue repair.
    - Joints: Possible benefits for joint health.
    - Anti-Aging: Theoretical benefits. No significant evidence.
    - Libido: No impact known.
    - Sleep: No impact known.
    - Mood: No impact known.
  • Recommended Dosage: Typically 50 mcg per day.

Dosage and Administration

    • The correct intake and dosage of Follistatin 344 depend on the specific needs and goals of the patient and are usually administered at 50 mcg once a day.
    • The correct dosage of Follistatin 344 is 5 units per day.
      • Additional usage instructions: Set the pen programmator by rotating it. (1 unit equals one division on the programmator), and inject into the abdominal area. After injecting the product, wait 10 seconds before removing the needle. It is recommended to rotate the injection site.
        • The duration of the cycle with this peptide lasts from 10 to 30 days, after which it is advisable to take a short break of about 30 days.
          • One pen contains 200 units, with each unit being 10 micrograms.
            • One Follistatin 344 pen (2mg) will be sufficient for 40 days.
            • Example of calculated units of a Follistatin 344 pen (2mg) corresponding to micrograms:
              - 1 unit = 10 mcg
              - 5 units = 50 mcg
              - 7 units = 70 mcg
              - 10 units = 100 mcg

            What is Follistatin 344?

            Follistatin 344 is a specific type of protein that is part of the Follistatin family. This family of proteins is known for its role in regulating muscle growth, fertility, and embryonic development. Here's a more detailed look at Follistatin 344:

            • Muscle Growth Regulation: Follistatin 344 is particularly known for its ability to regulate muscle growth. It acts as a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin is a protein that inhibits muscle growth, so by blocking myostatin, Follistatin 344 can potentially increase muscle mass and strength. This property has made it a topic of interest in the fields of bodybuilding and sports medicine.
            • Fertility and Development: In addition to muscle growth, Follistatin also plays a role in fertility and embryonic development. It's involved in the regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is crucial for reproductive health.
            • Research and Therapeutic Potential: Follistatin 344 has been the subject of various research studies to explore its potential in treating conditions like muscle wasting diseases (e.g., muscular dystrophy), fertility issues, and other health conditions.
            • Use in Bodybuilding and Athletics: Due to its muscle growth-enhancing properties, Follistatin 344 has gained attention in bodybuilding and athletic circles. However, its use in these areas is controversial and may have legal and ethical implications.
            • Safety and Side Effects: Like any bioactive compound, the safety profile and potential side effects of Follistatin 344 are crucial. Detailed and specific information on the side effects of Follistatin 344 is limited, primarily because it is still a subject of ongoing research.

            Follistatin 344 is a complex protein with a range of potential applications and implications. Its role in muscle growth and development makes it a significant focus for research, but also raises questions about its appropriate use and regulation.

            What are the benefits?

            Follistatin 344 is associated with various potential benefits, particularly in the contexts of muscle growth and reproductive health.

            • Increasing muscle mass: It inhibits the action of myostatin, a protein that limits muscle growth, potentially leading to increased muscle mass.
            • Enhancing muscle strength: It may increase muscle strength and endurance.
            • Accelerating recovery after injuries: It could aid in the rapid recovery of muscles following physical exertion or injuries.
            • Reducing body fat: Follistatin 344 is thought to contribute to the reduction of body fat.
            • Improving fertility: In men, it may have a positive effect on fertility.
            • Potential application in muscle dystrophies: Research is exploring its potential use in treating conditions related to muscle degeneration.
            • Enhancing libido and sexual function: It may positively affect libido and sexual function.
            • Anti-aging effects: It could have anti-aging effects related to maintaining muscle mass and function.
            • Reducing inflammation: Follistatin 344 may help in reducing inflammatory processes in the body.
            • Improving skin and hair quality: Some report improvements in skin and hair quality, likely due to overall health improvements.

            How does Follistatin 344 work?

            Follistatin 344 acts through several key mechanisms in the body, primarily related to regulating muscle growth and reproductive functions. Here are the main mechanisms of action:

            • Inhibiting Myostatin: The most well-known action of Follistatin 344 is its ability to inhibit myostatin, a protein that limits muscle growth. Myostatin naturally controls and restricts muscle growth to prevent excessive enlargement. It binds to myostatin and inhibits its action, allowing muscles to grow faster and larger.
            • Increasing muscle mass and strength: Due to myostatin inhibition, Follistatin 344 may contribute to increased muscle mass and strength. This makes it of interest in the fields of bodybuilding and sports medicine.
            • Potential impact on the reproductive system: Follistatin also plays a role in the reproductive system, potentially affecting fertility and reproductive functions.
            • Regulating other biological processes: Besides its impact on muscles and the reproductive system, Follistatin 344 may play a role in regulating other biological processes, including inflammation and cellular growth.

            Possible side effects

            The potential side effects of using Follistatin 344 are still the subject of research and are not fully understood, as clinical studies are limited. Some risks include muscle disorders that may arise due to the peptide's impact on muscle growth. This may include muscle pain or weakness. There is also the possibility of unforeseen hormonal changes that could affect the body's balance.


            Follistatin 344 stands out as a promising peptide with diverse applications, particularly in enhancing muscle growth and injury recovery. While its potential is notable, it’s essential to approach its use with caution, adhering to recommended dosages.

            Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

            1.  What is Follistatin 344?
              - It's a peptide known for its muscle growth-enhancing properties.
            2. Can Follistatin 344 be used for weight loss?
              - Indirectly, through muscle growth and increased metabolic rate.
            3.  Does Follistatin 344 affect mood or sleep?
              - There's no significant evidence to suggest such effects.
            4.  How long should a Follistatin 344 cycle last?
              - Cycles vary; typically, they range from 2 to 4 weeks. Consult a professional for advice.
            5.  How does Follistatin 344 work?
              - It inhibits myostatin, a protein that limits muscle growth.
            6.  Is Follistatin 344 safe for women?
              - Women can use Follistatin 344 but should start with lower dosages.
            7.  Is Follistatin 344 legal?
              - Yes, but the legal status of Follistatin 344 may vary by country. Therefore, it is advisable to verify the specific regulations and conditions in your region.

            Why to choose Nordic Peptides?

            If you're looking to buy extremely pure Follistatin 344 peptide, is an excellent source in Europe. Nordic Peptides is a company focused on producing very pure peptides. We can guarantee that all our peptides are top-notch and among the best available on the market.

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